Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Carnaval, parte dos

Friday evening's events left me wanting for more. At roughly 12:30 pm I met up with two friends of mine, Kylie and Lucho (Spanish nickname for Lewis) armed with a back pack full of "bombas" and enough Ecuatoriano knock-off supersoakers to dispel a riot.

Our goal for the day was to thoroughly soak anyone who attempted to do the same to us. Our first attackers were two extremely dangerous seven year old children. After throwing four or five "bombas" at their stronghold I asked myself, "Am I too old for this?" Then two "bombas" landed at my feet and the answer became clear.

Looking up I saw a horde of conniving twelve year olds re-loading with what was sure to be my soaking. Kylie and I tucked close to the building to avoid the next volley. In a moment of sheer heroism Lucho ran into the street, drawing enough fire that I was able to step out of cover and return fire.

After this incident we decided we would need more munitions if we were to make longer journeys. After sufficiently arming ourselves with enough water to create an oasis in the Sahara we made our way to Calle Larga. We encountered a group of "Caballeros" on the corner. Kylie and Lucho stated that we should not proceed any further, or we would surely be doomed. I insisted that we press on.

As we approached these wild-men one of them came running at us with a jar of something red, and went on to rub it all over any area of exposed skin. Lucho and Kylie then had eggs smashed on there heads, I had a beer sprayed all over me. We returned the favor by cooling them off a bit. They then offered us a drink and we ended up hanging out with them for a bit. 

This is the nature of Carnaval. You fight strongly, but in the end you share a Zhumir and Cola, shake hands and part ways.

1 comment:

David O'Rourke said...

Nice to see you are soaking up the local culture, Nick!