Sunday, February 17, 2008

¡No llores para mí, Argentina!

I have spent the past few days studying in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It may quite possible rival Perpignan for the title of, Dog Shit Capital of the World. Despite this and the fact that there is garbage everywhere, it is a very cool city. The architecture has a heavy french influence, but the appearance is undeniably spanish.

One feature that constantly reminds you that you are not in Madrid is that Buenos Aires has several shanty towns. They are settlements of extremely poor people who live on government land, and are frequently abused by the angelic national police.

The other day we had an incredible experience. There happens to be a Human Rights museum in a clandestine detention center in the heart of Buenos Aires. The stories that I read about an heard absolutely amaze me.

The Argentinean military junta kidnapped thousands of people, many of whom went on the flight of the dead. What they would do was heavily sedate the victims, then fly them out over the ocean and drop them to their deaths. They would then steal all the possessions of the deceased. They even set up a real estate office to sell their properties. You would have thought the world would have learned its lesson after World War II.

Despite the distinctly sad impression the museum left me with, I did manage to enjoy myself in Buenos Aires. I believe that there must be some sort of world's most beautiful women competition going on every day here.

We saw the burial site of Eva Perón, I speculated as to whether or not her coffin was Gucci or Louis Vuitton. 

1 comment:

Fred O'Rourke said...

Now you know why all those nazi's fled to Argentina.